Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can't wait for Saturday!!!

Well I am super excited about Saturday.... here is a list why....
  1. It's my birthday.. I will be 23 years old!!!!
  2. I get 2 new kittens.. They are 8 weeks old and both little girls. One is Tugs and the other one is Hugs!!!
  3. I get to go to the movies. I am going to see Red Riding Hood!!! I have been wanting to see the movie since I saw the preview!!!!
  4. I get to take a pregnancy test... I might be pregnant.. I am having some symptoms (and if not see #5)
  5. Me and the hubby are going out for drinks!!!!
Okay... well lets back up to #4. Yes there is a chance that I might be pregnant. There are some symptoms that I am headaches, throwing up, swollen gums, bloating, boobs hurt a bit, and all I really want is chicken or hamburger. So I get to test on my birthday. If I do get a BFP... (big fat positive) then it will be the best birthday EVER!!!!!! I did found out that I was pregnant with our first child on my hubby's 21st birthday!!! So hurry up Saturday NOW!!!

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